Behind the Con With Isaiah Moore

North Central Theatre went behind the scenes for an exclusive interview with North Central Theatre student, Isaiah Moore, who is cast in the role of Detective Carl Hanratty. Here’s an exclusive look at his take behind the con and the groups upcoming musical performance Catch Me If You Can.

What is your name?

Isaiah N.B. Moore.

What is your role?

Detective Carl Hanratty.

What grade are you in?

I am in the 12th grade.

Why did you want to be apart of this show?

I wanted to be apart of this show because it has a unique realness that many people can relate too. Also, this show has some powerful emotional songs that I can’t stop singing!!

What appeals to you about the character of Hanratty?

What appeals to me the most is Hanratty’s sincere work ethic as a FBI Agent. It’s not for the money, look, or the respect of a FBI agent. Hanratty legitimately loves being an agent because he gets a great satisfaction from punishing criminals.

What’s the hardest part of this show for you?

The most challenging part of this show for me is the initial processes of dancing and singing all at once without getting winded.

What makes this show different than other NC Theatre shows?

Specifically for the musicals at NC, we have been doing a lot of fictional shows and I think it’s nice we have a story that is actually based of a real life person.

Why should people come to see the show?

People should come see Catch Me If You Can because it’s a show that will take you in the perspective of a teenage “crook” and why he did what he did. North Central Theatre has always lived up to its high quality musicals and this will not be a exception; keeping you entertained throughout the whole production.

Keep an eye out for weekly interviews with some of our cast members. We’ll be publishing an exclusive look behind the con each week, all the way up until curtain call on November 13, 2015. And don’ t forget to buy your tickets!

North Central Theatre has given me a space to be myself, something that I do not have anywhere else

NC Theatre Graduate